Friday, July 14, 2017

Day 10

Weight:  178.2 lbs

Breakfast - Quiche
Lunch - Lettuce and Roast Beef
Dinner - Chicken in Pesto Sauce with Cauliflower; Cucumbers

There were chocolate cookies and cake right in front of me during lunch.  But I resisted.  At no time did I even considered cheating and taking a little bit.  I realized that alot of times, we eat for pleasure instead of necessity.  Having undertaken this goal of staying strict on the keto diet, I'm able to resist these pleasure temptations much more easily.  On other occasions, I would have definitely taken 1 slice of cake and several cookies.  😊

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New Format

Now that I've reached my goal and my weight has stablized, I will stop posting daily about what I ate.  Rather, I will post my recap soo...